Monday, April 20, 2009

KeyGenMe #2 Ver.2.00 :: C++ :: Difficulty : 3

KeyGenMe Location : KeyGenMe #2 Ver.2.00 @
Solution Location : Solution by obnoxious

My second version of KeyGenMe #2. It's coded in GNU C++. Features :
(*) NOT Packed
(*) NOT Encrypted
(*) C00L console look.

The Rules :
(*) NO Patching
(*) NO Brute-forcing

The Tasks :
1. Find a correct combination of RefID and License-Key.
2. Find the algorithm for Key and RefID calculations
3. Make a KEYGEN.
4. Write a descent tutorial. ;)

Readers, if you solve this [in a different method than obnoxious], please upload your solution to


  1. Thanx for your advice.

    I rejected his request and removed the HTML code that he had asked to insert into my page.


I would be happy to hear from you.